Pretty place to visit but…

We hate talking about death and dying but thinking about it now can reward ourselves as well as our heirs.

Beneficial for you now…

This started as a project to benefit heirs dealing with all that has to be done when a loved one is gone. It was quickly apparent that getting my affairs in order benefits me right now. One benefit is saving money, as I noticed some auto-debit arrangements, money automatically taken from my bank account or changed to my credit card for subscriptions I didn’t recall subscribing. Another is reminding me to improve security with two-factor passwords.

…For others later

When anyone passes away, their survivors have a lot to do – and it isn’t fun. Funeral arrangements, bills to pay, property to dispose of, legal obligations. If we have our affairs in order, all of these unpleasantries will be much easier for whoever is tasked with handling them. I know. I’ve been there, done that.

What Affairs?


Bank Accounts – have you heard about POD?

Investments – have you heard about TOD?






Will put photo of court here


